Our Mission:
The Green Township Historical Associations' mission is to preserve and spread an appreciation of the History of Green Township, Hamilton County Ohio. We provide a central agency for collecting, collating, and disseminating historical data, information, and small artifacts relating to Green Township's History.
The Green Township Historical Association is a 501c3 non-profit corporation. Donations are welcome and tax-exempt. Receipts provided upon request.
Executive Board and Trustees:
The board officers and trustees are elected, volunteer association members who help run the association's efforts at preserving and spreading the History of Green Township Ohio
Current Board Officers and Trustees:
Paul Ruffing: President
Joe Flickinger: Vice-President
Marsha Hon: Secretary/Treasurer
Ron Bonhaus: Trustee
Nick Gemmell: Trustee
Bob Howard: Trustee
Bob Howard: Trustee
Pete Rebold: Legal Representative