Sunday, September 29, 2024

November Meeting: "What's it, Where's it?"

Green Township Historical Association
Green Township, Hamilton County Ohio

Next Meeting:  November 19th
"What's it, Where's it?"
Selected photos from the Tom Wernke Collection

Our President Paul Ruffing presents interesting, and some rare photos of Green Township history from the collection of long-time Green Township Barber, Tom Wernke.  Some are unknown places in the township- can you identify them?  Join us for this presentation that was postponed from last January due to inclement weather.  Bring a friend or two or three who enjoys historical photos of Green Township!  As always, our meeting are always free and open tot he public.

All Meetings held at Nathanael Greene Lodge, Lower Level Meeting Room(Mulberry Room)

Find Green Township Historical Association on Facebook AND Instagram:

We hope you enjoy the meetings for 2024 when they occur.  Please spread the word and bring a friend.  The more who come, the better.  We appreciate your attendance at our meetings and hope you enjoy the presentations!